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Thread: Fantastic! Challenger 300!! Light at the end of the tunnel!

  1. #1

    Join Date
    May 2012
    Segment of Industry
    U.S. Army Helicopter Flight Dispatcher 93P, Regional Airline Mesa, Corporate.
    Type Ratings
    CL-30, CE-560XLS, CE-500, BE-1900D.
    Current Position
    Captain Challenger 300,
    Aircraft Flown
    Challenger 300 Citation XLS Citation Ultra Emb 120 Beech 1900D
    Total Flight Time

    Fantastic! Challenger 300!! Light at the end of the tunnel!

    Outstanding in Every Respect!

    This is the real deal here!! Flat out if not for" Pro Pilot World" i would not have my new job, period!

    I was about ready to give up and the folks here will point you in the right direction and will give you hope, which lets face it in this difficult market makes a big difference! There are "exclusive" members only jobs posted here all the time, many times weeks before they ever hit the regular job sites.

    Finally, there are some really nice people here and some of the best in the industry! Including Airline, corporate,military,Cfi's, helicopters, air ambulance, bush pilot's and general aviation! Something for everyone..

    I will be a lifetime member!


  2. #2

    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Segment of Industry
    Civilian and Military
    Type Ratings
    G-V, G280, CL-30, DA-50, L-382
    Current Position
    Senior Captain
    Aircraft Flown
    G450, G280, CL-300, DA-50/50EX, J-3 w/Floats, SGS 2-33, Extra-300L, TF-51D, L-39, KC-130F/R/T/J, C-130E, C-12, TA-4J, HH-46A/D, CH-46E, TH-1E/L, TH-57B/C, T-34C, BE-99, C-150/152
    Total Flight Time

    Re: Fantastic! Challenger 300!! Light at the end of the tunnel!

    Quote Originally Posted by Express-Delivery View Post
    Outstanding in Every Respect!

    This is the real deal here!! Flat out if not for" Pro Pilot World" i would not have my new job, period!

    I was about ready to give up and the folks here will point you in the right direction and will give you hope, which lets face it in this difficult market makes a big difference! There are "exclusive" members only jobs posted here all the time, many times weeks before they ever hit the regular job sites.

    Finally, there are some really nice people here and some of the best in the industry! Including Airline, corporate,military,Cfi's, helicopters, air ambulance, bush pilot's and general aviation! Something for everyone..

    I will be a lifetime member!

    Congrats! You will love the Challenger 300. Just transitioned from the Falcon 50EX and really like our new aircraft. Oh....Welcome aboard PPW too!

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