Have you EVER had an account at

If NO: CONTINUE with your registration below and DISREGARD THIS MESSAGE.
If YES: STOP, please do NOT register a new account, read the information below.

If your existing account is expired or was never activated, simply log in to that account and follow the
yellow "Subscribe Now!" link on the blue menu bar to elevate that account to Full Access. ONLY allows ONE account per individual, new accounts will be deleted if you have an existing account!

If you need assistance with a previous or an existing account, please contact us HERE.


Register at

Required Information

Please enter the name by which you would like to log-in and be known as on this site.
*** IMPORTANT: *** Please keep in mind that the "Username" you select will be your "public identity" within our community, while acceptable, it is suggested that you do NOT use your real name or full email address.
This name is PERMANENT, you CANNOT change it later!

(24 characters maximum)

Please enter a password for your user account.
*** Note that passwords ARE case-sensitive. ***

A valid email address is REQUIRED.
A registration email will be immediately sent to this address, you MUST follow the instructions in that email to complete your registration. If you do not immediately receive this email please check any spam filters that you or your ISP may have set. Please be sure our Domain ( is in your email's approved senders list (if applicable).

Additional Required Information (profile)

Enter your FULL NAME, EXACTLY as it appears on your Pilot Certificate.

(This information will NOT be viewable by other members, it is only for verification by the site Administrators.)
If you have no legal middle name enter "NMN" in place of your middle name.

What segment of the industry are you in? (i.e. major, regional, corporate, fractional, military, charter, training, etc)

What type of flying background do you have?

List Pilot Certificates (ATP, Comm, CFI, FE, ADX)
(Please list Type Ratings in Type Rating section further down in the Registration)

Please enter the country of issuance of your pilot certificate.
(This information will NOT be viewable by other members and is only to assist in our verification process.)
(Country, NOT county)

Please enter your current position (Captain, First Officer, Flight Instructor, etc)

List aircraft flown

List your total flight time as a pilot.
(Whole numbers only, do NOT include commas or other characters. Number MUST contain 3-5 digits)

Please let us know how you found

Additional Information

If you were referred to this site by an existing member of, enter their Username (NOT their real name) here. (This can be left blank if not applicable)

All timestamps displayed on the forums can be automatically corrected to show the correct time for your location in the world. Simply select the appropriate time zone from the list below.

In addition, you may set the appropriate option to allow for daylight savings time in your part of the world.

From time to time, the administrators and/or other members may want to send you email notifications or messages. If you do not want to receive email from certain people then you may disable the options here

(optional) Please enter ONLY your first name here, this information WILL be visible to other Full Access Members.

List Type Ratings on your certificates (CE-500, CL-65, B-777, G-V, etc.)
Please use the standard FAA Type Rating designations for aircraft type,
you can look up your Type Ratings here: FAA Airman Database

Feel free to provide any additional info here. This information will ONLY be viewable by the Administrator. If you received a PPW Gift Membership, please mention that here.

Forum Rules and Policies

In order to proceed, you must fully read and agree to abide by, without condition, exclusion or exception, the following Terms of Service: (scroll down to read all Terms of Service in the grey box below). In addition, you must fully read and agree to, without condition or exclusion, our Privacy Policy. requires that all members abide by the Terms of Service detailed below. If you agree to our Terms of Service (listed below) and meet our membership requirements, please check the 'I certify' checkbox and press the 'Register' button below. If you do not agree or would like to cancel this registration, click here to return to the main forum index.

Terms of Service


We welcome your membership to As with any website, there are Terms of Service governing its use and we ask that you please carefully and completely read our Terms of Service outlined below.


By accessing this website, you accept, without limitation or qualification, the following Terms of Service. You are only authorized to use this website and its services if you agree to abide by all applicable laws and to these Terms of Service. If you do NOT accept the Terms of Service, then please discontinue your use of this website immediately. We may modify these Terms of Service from time to time and such modification shall be effective upon posting on the website. You agree to be bound to any changes to these Terms of Service when you use this website after any such modification is posted. Is it important that you review these Terms of Service regularly to ensure you are updated as to any changes made. These Terms of Service constitute the entire agreement regarding your use of this website and the services it offers and supersede any such prior terms.


Membership Requirements

Access to is restricted to persons holding a Commercial Pilot Certificate or higher (Professional Flight Engineers, Air Traffic Control Specialists and Licensed Dispatchers are accepted as well). The intent of this site is to cater to the needs and desires of pilots who make their living in the aviation industry. For access to, you will be required to give your full name (exactly as it appears on your pilot certificates) during registration, this information will be verified with the FAA database to confirm identity and credentials. This information will also be cross-referenced with the name used on the payment method to complete the confirmation of identity. Only the Administrator(s) will have access to a member's full name; the Forum Leaders (Moderators) or general membership will NOT have access to this information, this information is only used to verify membership eligibility. If a member can't be verified via the FAA Database, an alternate method to verify identity/credentials will be offered.

Memberships are limited to one per individual, re-registering or registering multiple accounts is strictly prohibited. Memberships are controlled by a member's real identity and are verified accordingly. Individual memberships are intended for the personal (non-commercial/non-business) use of the single individual who owns the account. For a Commercial Use account, please contact us (Contact Us Form) for more details and to arrange a Commercial Use account (Recruiter/Employer Associate Membership).

Any membership obtained by persons not meeting our membership requirements will be terminated without refund.  Memberships obtained using false information will be considered fraudulent and may be subject to local, national and international electronic media laws. 

We offer the opportunity for limited "Associate Memberships" for people who have something of value to offer our membership but do not meet our membership requirements. These "Associate Memberships" are approved on their own merits on a case by case basis. If you have something to offer the PPW Membership and are interested in obtaining an "Associate Membership", please feel free to contact the site Administrator at and present compelling evidence as to why you should be eligible for an "Associate Membership".

The Rule of Three

Rule One: Do not post content which could put yourself,, LLC or its agents, the Forum Leaders, or other members in possible legal jeopardy. This would include, but not be limited to libelous remarks about an individual or a company, posting an individual's full name (first names are acceptable) image and/or personally identifying information without their express permission, posting a "scab list" or posting any information that is copyrighted, proprietary or of a security nature. Each member will assume full and unconditional legal responsibility for what they post on this website as well as the use of their account.


Rule Two: Do not post (or send via our Private Message System (PM)) material which would cause an average, reasonable, professional pilot to not want to join the (or continue a) membership. This would include, but is not be limited to, personal attacks or insults, trolling of members, name calling, vulgarity, sexual harassment, racial or ethnic remarks, threats, political comments, or religious remarks. We all have our personal beliefs and they shape the very fiber of our beings. That said, overtly religious/political posts or comments about everyday topics are not permitted on our site due to the intense and polarizing feelings that they evoke in otherwise rational adults. Posts may not refer to political party, affiliation, decisions, leanings and/or other descriptions in any manner. If posting images, please make sure they are "work/family friendly", many members browse our forums with children present. Simply put, please conduct yourselves like professionals and treat other members with respect. Just because you are communicating via an electronic medium does not mean you can leave your courtesy or common sense at the door. Treat others as you would treat them if you were face to face with them in person. Remember that one can disagree without being disagreeable!


Rule Three: We wish to remain a professional, courteous forum. As such, do not intentionally post political, racist, sexist, discriminatory, or overtly religious comments, including images, embedded links or content. Patently non-factual or easily disprovable false “news” links are also prohibited. PPW forum leaders may edit or remove such content without warning or advisement to the poster. Such posting behavior or any attempt to intentionally “troll” the user group with inflammatory commentary for the sole purpose of causing dissent and/or tension within the group is prohibited as well. In addition, harassment, cyber-bullying or other such 'mob mentality' or 'ganging up' to intimidate other members is strictly prohibited.


While we will make every effort to allow members to express themselves in their own way, any member who breaks the above rules will be warned and asked to adjust their behavior accordingly.  A habitual breaking of the above rules WILL result in the termination of membership without refund.  We expect the membership to conduct themselves as respectful, mature individuals and professionals in our community.



Reported posts are evaluated by multiple Forum Leaders. If the consensus is that the reported post violates our Terms of Service, action will be taken to correct the situation via edits and/or deletion of the entire post as necessary. If no action is deemed necessary, the reported post may remain intact. Due to the number of reported posts and the time involved in the evaluation and editing process, please do not expect Forum Leader(s) to respond directly back to you on any given reported post. The Administrator(s) of reserve the right to edit or remove any post that is deemed to violate any of the above rules or is not considered in the "spirit" of The decision of the Administrator(s) and/or Forum Leaders is considered final.


There is no automatic language censor, anything that you wish to say will be displayed. With this freedom, however, comes a certain responsibility. Just because you can say anything doesn't mean you should. If there is a point that you are making and nothing but the use of a good expletive will suffice, use it. That being said, please use them sparingly so that their impact is retained- and please, do not use them directed at another member.


There is no Penalty Box. Members who choose not to abide by the rules and policies outlined here and continue to disobey the rules will be denied access to and their membership will be revoked. Membership fees are not refundable, nor will access to membership be granted for a period of six months following membership revocation. Memberships are based upon a member's real name, not their usernames and are controlled accordingly. A members real name is required at registration for verification purposes only, the only people who have access to a members real name are the Administrator(s). Forum Leaders (Moderators) and the general membership do not have access to a members real name. Members who falsify their registration information will be immediately barred from without refund. encourages the free flow of information and dialog. To that end, we encourage members to treat other members with respect, even though they may be in disagreement. We encourage all participants to keep posts on-topic and civil, within the sometimes irreverent confines of professional pilots. In other words, try to post using a bit of the "Golden Rule".


The Administrator(s) or Forum Leaders of reserve the right to remove, edit, move or close any post or thread for any reason deemed necessary.  The Private Message (PM) system may not be used for sending unsolicited advertisements of any type.


Any member found to be in violation of our Terms of Service may have their membership terminated, without refund.  Due to the nature of our service (electronic dissemination of proprietary information) membership fee refunds are not available, regardless of reason.


Access, LLC does not warrant or guarantee that this website will be constantly available, or available at all., LLC will make a "best effort" to provide reasonable Quality of Service and access.  Our website is hosted by a 3rd party service provider, we do not have direct control over that party's equipment, infrastructure or personnel. Additionally, access via the Tapatalk™ and Forum Runner™ apps are "as is" and provided as a free service. Due to the unpredictability of these 3rd party apps and the app providers, there is no warranty made about the usefulness, functionality, security or availability of these apps or access to all or part of our forums via these apps.


Members accept full and unconditional responsibility and liability for what occurs using their account or any events or circumstances which arise out of account usage. Members will keep their account login information (password) and access to confidential and are restricted from allowing anyone but themselves to access the website using their account. Failure to adhere to this policy may result in immediate membership termination without refund.


We do not delete or remove accounts (as doing so would orphan any threads/posts you may have created and may cause discontinuity in discussions). If you wish to no longer participate, simply do not log into your account, if you wish to return in the future simply log into your existing account and (if necessary) renew your Full Access Subscription using the yellow "Subscribe Now!" link that will appear on the left side of the blue navigation bar once you are logged in.


Information contained within is intended solely for use by Full Access Members. No information contained within shall be shared, copied or otherwise distributed to any outside entities or non-members. Failure to adhere to this policy may result in immediate account termination without refund., LLC reserves the right to remove access of any member or deny membership to any person for any reason deemed necessary by the Administrator.


This website may contain links to other sites. These include links posted by members to third-party sites that offer other related or unrelated products or information. If you visit another website through a link found within our website, please consult the privacy policy of the website you are visiting. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of other websites that you may visit as a result of links found within our website.



Access to requires a Full Access or Employer/Recruiter Associate Membership subscription. Subscription payments are handled by a 3rd party secure payment processing gateway (PayPal). Subscriptions are automatically recurring until cancelled, to cancel your subscription you must submit a written request at least 3 days prior to your payment processing date to Due to the nature of our service (Electronic Dissemination of Proprietary Information) membership subscription fees are non-refundable, regardless of reason. Subscription renewal payments that have been processed are non-refundable unless a written cancellation request was received at least 3 days prior to the processing date.


All payments are processed via PayPal's Secure Payment Gateway, does not receive any specific payment information (credit card info, bank info, etc) from PayPal. Any information entered on PayPal's website is covered by PayPal's Privacy Agreement.



You agree to indemnify and hold, LLC and its agents harmless from any claim or demand, including attorneys' fees, made by yourself or any third party due to or arising out of any material or information posted, provided, transmitted or otherwise made available by you on this website or through this website's services, or by your violation of these Terms of Service, or by your violation of the rights of another.


Forum Leaders (Moderators) are volunteers and do not represent, LLC in any way. Threads, Posts, Private Messages (PMs) and other comments made by Forum Leaders are their own personal opinions and do not represent the opinion of, LLC.



The contents and posts herein contain information of a purely entertainment nature and no owners of, LLC or its agents shall be responsible for the accuracy of information, or any events or circumstances resulting from the application or use of such information., LLC does not warrant or guarantee in any way that the information on this website is complete, true, accurate or non-misleading. Nothing on this website constitutes, or is meant to constitute, advice of any kind., LLC will not be liable to you in relation to the contents of, or use of, or otherwise in connection with, this website or its contents., LLC makes no representations or warranties in relation to this website or the information and materials provided on this website.


Posts and the contents within shall be understood to be the sole opinions of the authors of said posts. Each member who posts on this website accepts complete and unconditional responsibility and liability for the contents of their posts and any events or circumstances that may arise as a result of their posts., LLC. and its agents shall not be held responsible or liable for any content within forum posts nor any events or circumstances arising from posts found within the forums. By agreeing to the above rules and policies and continuing membership, you completely and unconditionally "hold harmless", LLC and its agents from any and all liability due to events or activities which arise as a result of usage or contents of this website. You also agree to accept full and unconditionally responsibility and liability for your own actions and the usage of your membership account at and any events or activities that arise as a result of that usage, this includes but is not limited to the use of our "Anonymous" posting service. Use of our "Anonymous" posting service does NOT release you of any liability of which you have asked to be posted., LLC does not "moderate" what is posted via the "Anonymous" posting service, records are retained as to whom requested "Anonymous" posts and the contents of said posts. You retain full and unconditional liability of anything you request to be posted through our "Anonymous" posting service.  


These Terms and Conditions may be updated from time to time without notice, it is the responsibility of each user of this web site to periodically review (prior to use) and adhere to all Terms & Conditions posted hereunto or immediately discontinue use of this service.


If any provision of this disclaimer is, or is found to be, unenforceable under applicable law, that will not affect the enforceability of the other provisions of this disclaimer.


Copyright Notice

This website and its content is Copyright © 2006-, LLC.  All rights reserved. is intended for the private use of its members. No portion of the website, or its contents may be copied or used for any purpose without the express written permission of, LLC.  Any redistribution or reproduction of part or all of the contents in any form is strictly prohibited, nor may you transmit it or store it on any other website or other form of electronic retrieval system.


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