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View Full Version : Not Just a New Job, but a Destination!

12-16-2014, 12:41:08
I knew it was time to start the job search process but where to start was the question. Having been at my current job for over 15 years and seeing the end was near for this flight department, I knew I needed to get polished up quickly and I also wanted to be selective with the positions that I would apply for. With that in mind I wanted a membership to a site with a large number of job postings as well as advice on numerous parts of the process.

PPW is the best membership I have! Located my new job through a PPW posting. Received resume and cover letter advice, as well as tips on interviewing, salary negotiations and insights on flight departments that I was considering.

This site has continued value for me as well. Being a professional is more than just keeping the pointy end going the right direction. For me it means keeping abreast of all the current issues and trends which better enables me to be the safest and most efficient pilot I can be.

I owe a big thank you to PPW for helping me find and acquire my new job in my home state of Idaho. For me, my QOL will increase exponentially. Not only will I be operating the kind of equipment that I like but I'll also have all the outdoor activities that I enjoy basically in the backyard.

I've been too far from home for far too long, Sun Valley, Idaho here I come!


12-23-2014, 09:56:22
Great post, and couldn't agree more. Congratulations!