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06-02-2009, 18:44:08
When I first arrived at PPW, I was a flight instructor with about 1000 hours. I was struggling to build multi time. I constantly was on the lookout for another job that would take me to the next rung on the ladder. I couldn't find it.

On one of my online searches for a job, I accidentally stumbled upon PPW. The fee was small so I figured, "Why not?" I joined and I was quickly hooked. At first I didn't post much. Instead I just read what all the experienced people were saying. Not long after, I was posting and getting to know some of the fellow members. I'd ask questions and learn from other people's experiences. I never realized how much I didn't know.

I asked for advice on how I should progress with my career. I quickly found many willing people to share their thoughts and suggestions. The advice I got was to fly freight. Soon enough, someone posted a job ad for Flight Express. I jumped on the opportunity and I became a freight dog. I was quickly building experience and putting hours in my logbook. Unfortunately, I wasn't building much needed multi-time.

I found a woman on the board who is a professional Resume Writer. I had her build a resume for me and began sending it out. Unfortunately, I didn't possess enough multi time to arrive at the job I desired.

Then one day, out of the blue, a fellow member posted an entry level jet job. I quickly jumped on the thread and emailed my resume. Just a few days later I was invited for the interview and got the job! I was off to fly a Citation, with only 120 hours of multi time! The job he posted had never even made it to the big job boards like Climbto350. He gave the members of PPW the first shot!

When it was time for my interview, as usual, I went to the folks at PPW for advice in preparation for meeting with the Director of Operations. I was received with words of wisdom and encouragement. I certainly helped to ease a little bit of that nervous feeling. When I sat down in the D.O.'s office, he immediately quoted what had posted the night before in my thread on PPW! I was completely surprised and caught off guard. He was reading about me the whole time. It goes to show... A prime example of how many Chief Pilots, Director of Operations, or other prospective employers are also members of PPW!

Had it not been for this board, and the fine people that participate on it, I would have never run into this opportunity. This board is a genuine networking tool. I am amazed by the kindness and helpfullness of complete strangers. These truly are, "Pilots helping pilots!"

This has been the best investment in my aviation career!

Steve Crewdog
06-02-2009, 18:52:04
Pretty soon you're going to be one of us, the people who are still trying to pay back the ones who helped us make our dreams come true.

Welcome to the club!


06-02-2009, 18:54:41
Pretty soon you're going to be one of us, the people who are still trying to pay back the ones who helped us make our dreams come true.

Welcome to the club!


In the future, when I'm sitting in a good position, I will certainly not forget about the little guy below me trying to crawl his way to the top. If there's anything I've learned about this business, is that you can't do it by yourself. Someone above you must reach down and help pull you up.

06-02-2009, 19:42:25
A prime example of how many Chief Pilots, Director of Operations, or other prospective employers are also members of PPW!

Ha ha... I got my current job through PPW as well, and both the other pilot at the company AND the chief pilot went through some of my posts to see what kind of person I was. In spite of that, they still hired me :w00t:!

06-02-2009, 21:41:31
These are very encouraging and impressive words and exactly the kind of people I hoped to hear on this board. I'm about to make the huge transition from military to civilian and it's not a comforting thought. Twenty years in the military yet I feel like I'm starting from scratch in the aviation business, yet it's all I've ever wanted to do since I was eight. You can tell from my bio that I pale in comparison to others on here but I've thoroughly enjoyed all the professionalism and insight since I've been a member on here.

And to the poster who mentioned giving back, I'm a huge proponent of that. I was once the little boy at the airshow passionately admiring the pilots and aircraft, fearful that I'd never succeed in my dreams. Now, I try to inspire that current generation of aviation professionals as often as I can.

06-02-2009, 21:48:19
Welcome to PPW Mike!

06-02-2009, 22:11:37
Stick- thanks for the truly kind words. I couldn't have written a better description of our motivation to start this place. We put our faith in the kindness and innate helpfulness which resides in every pilot to help us achieve what we knew was possible in professional aviation. Your story, and others just like it is our reward. That's all we wanted- to help as many pilots as possible. To see that the idea has grown into an even stronger idea towards helping even those not yet here, well, Falcon Capt and I couldn't be prouder- both of your success and that of the help that the membership freely gives every day.

Your story, and others like it, makes all of us want to make more dreams come true; and together we will!


Falcon Capt
06-02-2009, 22:40:11
Stick- thanks for the truly kind words. I couldn't have written a better description of our motivation to start this place. We put our faith in the kindness and innate helpfulness which resides in every pilot to help us achieve what we knew was possible in professional aviation. Your story, and others just like it is our reward. That's all we wanted- to help as many pilots as possible. To see that the idea has grown into an even stronger idea towards helping even those not yet here, well, Falcon Capt and I couldn't be prouder- both of your success and that of the help that the membership freely gives every day.

Your story, and others like it, makes all of us want to make more dreams come true; and together we will!

Congratulations!I couldn't have said it better myself!


THIS is what ProPilotWorld.com is ALL about, "Pilots helping Pilots"!!!

Steve Crewdog
06-02-2009, 22:42:25
Welcome to PPW Mike!


Now I'm sure you're probably tired of this, but we're going to tie you down, feed you copious quantities of your favorite beverages, and make you tell us stories about the Osprey in a separate thread.


06-02-2009, 22:59:08

And thats all I have to say about that...