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  1. Fractionals
  2. Welcome-
  3. Net Jets Domicile Timeline
  4. Sat in A G200 - NICE!!
  5. Avanti
  6. NetJets
  7. NetJets Company Forum Access
  8. CS Min App times
  9. NJA aircraft swap info please.
  10. NJ Pay?
  11. Fractional Turnover?
  12. NJ hiring question
  13. Netjets
  14. NJI 200s and citation
  15. Fractionals
  16. Beechjet 400A question
  17. XL questions
  18. Flight Services Group/PrivatAir?
  19. Thinking about CS or NetJets
  20. NetJets Interview At Last!
  21. Looks like we are moving
  22. Citation 560XL flight bag & luggage
  23. Dark Side of NetJets?
  24. NJI
  25. Domicile lists
  26. NetJets Blackberry
  27. Netjets Application Accepted
  28. NJA LAX domicile?
  29. Competitive Mins for the different fracs.
  30. What's up with the Avantair buy out?
  31. Global 5000
  32. Netjets
  33. Flexjet LR60 question
  34. How do get a call from Citation Shares?
  35. Net Jets International pay
  36. Netjets Europe Pay raise
  37. Security Exemptions?
  38. NetJets International
  39. NJA DA-7x
  40. NJ Questions
  42. DOT/PRIA Drug and Alcohol testing
  44. Flexjet
  45. Fractional owner messageboard?
  46. NetJets Middle East
  47. where to find....
  48. NJI Interview
  49. NetJets: Not Easy
  50. FlexJet?
  51. XOJet
  52. Thanks Flex!
  53. NetJets
  54. G200 off the runway in HPN
  55. CS interview
  56. Any Avantair pilots out there???
  57. Executive Airshare
  58. Alpha Flying - anyone know FO starting pay?
  59. Avantair gear collapse
  60. ONE STEP CLOSER!!!!!
  61. What do you do if you suspect drugs onboard?
  62. Flexjet LR-60 uncontained engine failure
  63. Just got the call
  64. Flexjet Pilot Shirts
  65. Options Pilots and Hats
  66. Flexjet is Hiring!
  67. Flex LR60 guys interested in Contract work in BHM
  68. Alpha to NetJets or FlexJet
  69. Look'n in Florida Part II
  70. Flexi-e-pay
  71. Net Jets
  72. Avantair
  73. "Type" of experience?
  74. netjets mins
  75. PICs leaving Avantair
  76. NetJets guys
  77. A Sad Day At Options
  78. NetJets went shopping at Paris
  79. ouch
  80. TFR at Kennebunkport ME
  81. Net Jets Flight Plans
  82. Citation Shares Encore?
  83. Flight Crew Cleaning
  84. Avantair Questions
  85. EDDF Slots Question
  86. Executive Jet Management vs NetJets
  87. Pictures of static wick in the eye
  88. HPN
  89. NJI pay & such
  90. A Career Frac?
  91. NJA Negotiations
  92. Avantair Contract
  93. Former Travel Air Pilots...
  94. FAA investigation into FLOPS.
  95. I'm not crazy, right?
  96. Net Jets Middle East
  97. Flexjet
  98. PlaneSense Jets
  99. IBB Is Over
  100. DayJet pay?
  101. Fractional comparison in B&CA
  102. Fractionals going VFR
  103. California "Frax Tax"
  104. NetJets IBB Roadshow Feedback
  105. Beechjet Flameouts...
  106. Alpha Flying
  107. Upgrade
  108. Avantair Declaring an Emergency out of HPN???
  109. NJ APP???
  110. Options news from AIN
  111. For FLOPPERS
  112. NetJets Gateways
  113. Netjet flight department take over
  114. AF please get a callsign
  115. NetJet/Corporate Questions
  116. Flexjet contract...
  117. Flight Options Signs For 100 Phenom 300s
  118. NetJets TA Passes
  119. NetJets.......then the rest
  120. 91k Duty Time Question
  121. Any ex-hop-a-jet pilots on this forum?
  122. NJI
  123. FLOPS or Avantair
  124. Why Flt Options didn't add Premier Jet?
  125. Flex Bases
  126. BEST FBO
  127. NJ New Hire Q's
  128. Netjets: App to interview??
  129. Fractional Dispatch Releases and EFB
  130. NJ leaving CMH?
  131. New NJA contract
  132. Net Jets Help
  133. XOJet???
  134. Net Jets Flight Attendant
  135. Interview at Alpha Flying
  136. VFR Airports
  137. Flex pilots - bidding software?
  138. FLOPS
  139. NJ use EGE at night?
  140. Training Contracts
  141. Just finished..
  142. CS payraise
  143. FLOPS news
  144. CitationShares/Flexjet compensation
  145. Net Jets info
  146. Netjets 15-18 day flex
  147. Avantair info?
  148. NJ staying in CMH
  149. Cost of a share at NetJets...and others
  150. NetJets Resume and App?
  151. IBT and NJ
  152. I need some advice?
  153. FO initial checkride- alpha
  154. Interview with Avantair
  155. Galley supply companies
  156. He's Baaaaaaaack!
  157. Fractional Bulletin:
  158. How's business holding up
  159. Citation Shares Interview Gouge
  160. NJI Indoc
  161. JetChoice Info?
  162. Questions for Flexjet pilots
  163. NJ raises $500,000 for disabled jockeys
  164. Flexjet Resume Submission
  165. Citation Shares Phone Interview
  166. Options News Flash
  167. NJA Phone Interview
  168. Alpha Flying Guys...
  169. Looking For
  170. NJA hiring freeze! Say it ain't so!
  171. Any XO 750 guys at Simuflite right now?
  172. XOJet Base/FBO
  173. SIC CFG
  174. NJA Interview
  175. XO Update?
  176. Travel Management Company
  177. Need help with Citation Shares
  178. Swap days - Airline(ing) and the dreaded TSA..
  179. NJASAP Wins Election
  180. Fractional Checklists
  181. NJI Inside
  182. Options update
  183. Alpha hiring?
  184. Time off at NetJets
  185. NJA Phone Interview Re-schedule
  186. Alpha Flying info I could not track down with search function
  187. NJA Phone Interview?
  188. Awww man...
  189. NJI NJA integration end of October-
  190. Falcon 2000 EX EASy Initial
  191. Citation Shares Update
  192. NJ APP
  193. What is Avantair thinking?
  194. NJ interview time frame
  195. Well its official NJI/NJA Single Carrier
  196. Fairchild Dornier Envoy 7
  197. Citation Shares Question..
  198. CS FO pay
  199. Executive Air Share, are they good?
  200. Interesting
  201. Need Advice- Work for XOJET or work for Aircraft management / 135
  202. Any advice for Netjets
  203. Online PDF
  204. NetJets facility
  205. Fractional Traffic
  206. Same Type
  207. NetJets Internship
  208. NJA "Q"
  209. NetJets Europe
  210. Flops Furlough...
  211. Runway Requirements
  212. How busy was everyone this last week?
  213. Alpha Flying
  214. BJS Solutions
  215. JetRepublic
  216. VNAV Approaches
  217. XOJET Furloughs
  218. Citation Shares to Furlough
  219. Netjets staffing?
  220. Jetsuite Questions
  221. Any Avantair Updates
  222. what's up at flight options???
  223. Initial Operating Experience
  224. Flexjet "Reduction in work force"
  225. Alpha details
  226. Avantair Pay
  227. Flight Options trash recycled..or one more reason to avoid Signature
  228. Heard (RUMOR!!) that XO jet put 10 Citation X's up for sale
  229. You might be a FLOPS Pilot if..
  230. XOJet Jacket
  231. NETJETS / Gulfstream
  232. regarding fractional vs. owned aircraft, pros and cons
  233. G5 Netjets costs
  234. FLOP's
  235. Flex and CS add to the list
  236. And now for...........paycuts!
  237. Any Citation Shares guys...
  238. Alpha furloughing more pilots?
  239. Cerulean Jet
  240. Add one more to the Furlough List…Citation Shares
  241. NetJets Preventative Measures
  242. NetJets "P" callsign
  243. Citation Shares
  244. NetJets Buyout?
  245. Do any of the Flex85 furloughed think we will get called back?
  246. NetJets Furlough for real now?
  247. NetJets Averts Furloughs
  248. Any updates on XO Jet's CL-30 deliveries?
  249. Avantair folks - a question
  250. Duty or Rest?